Broccoli and spinach cream soup

This soup is for those days when you realize you didn't get enough greens in your diet lately, and you want to catch up. I used some fresh organic spinach, organic broccoli, organic fresh green onions and garlic from my garden, the same with mint, a can of coconut oil, and some spices. It is an easy soup to make, it tastes amazing, and it has lots of fiber and nutrients.

The color green symbolizes healing and growth as it represents an unfolding of love and gratitude from within, similar to leaves on a tree, green and open to the sun's rays. The color itself is very nourishing and healing. At a nutritional level, green foods usually contain high levels of antioxidants like chlorophyll which is the king of antioxidants.

The conclusion is that you need to eat your greens daily, and this is a perfect example of a nourishing green meal. If you do not agree with my choices of green veggies, you are encouraged to create your soup with your green veggies of choice.



  • 900g(2 lbs) broccoli, frozen or fresh

  • 200g fresh spinach

  • 1 bunch of green onions, chopped

  • 6 garlic cloves, minced(I used green garlic from my garden)

  • 1 can of coconut milk

  • 1 Tbsp curry powder

  • 2 Tbsp pink Himalayan salt

  • 2 Tbsp lemon pepper

  • 2 Tbsp nutritional yeast

  • 3 Tbsp avocado oil

  • 5 cups water or veggie broth

  • juice from half a lemon

  • thyme- optional

  • fresh mint- optional


  • In a soup pot, heat some avocado oil, add the curry powder, and cook for 10 seconds;

  • Add the chopped onions and garlic, mix well, cook for 1 minute;

  • Add the broccoli, the spinach, the coconut milk, one tablespoon of salt, the fresh thyme, mint, and the water/broth, mix well, and cook for 30 minutes on low-medium heat(4 out of 10);

  • Remove the thyme stems(if using fresh thyme), and blend the soup with an immersion blender until everything is smooth;

  • Add the lemon juice, the lemon pepper, and taste for salt.

Enjoy with some olive oil, pumpkin seeds, and gluten-free tortilla chips!

As usual, these are my thoughts and ideas, not medical advice. You are encouraged to create your own recipes or search for some suited to your needs. I am just sharing my recipes, hoping that I can inspire some of you to make healthier food choices.

Please remember that we all have different nutritional needs and that food affects us differently. If you are not sure which foods are best for you, reach out for a free phone consultation. 

In good health,



Vegan almond cheese


Butter beans mizuna mash