Here are a few questions I get from my clients and readers.

What is a holistic practitioner?

Holistic health is the practice of working with the whole person to improve overall health, energy, and outlook. Rather than a disease-based approach to healthcare, which focuses only on treating the symptoms, holistic practitioners use a wellness-based model to treat everything — mind, body, spirit, and beyond — practitioners who focus on your entire well-being.

What is functional Medicine?

Functional medicine is similar to a holistic approach to medicine. It considers the person as a whole and views the body, mind, and spirit as interconnected. Rather than focusing on ways to suppress symptoms, functional medicine strives to find the underlying cause of imbalance and address the body’s deeper dysfunction(s). 

Since each person is unique, functional medicine does not believe in a “one-size-fits all” approach. Instead, functional medicine practitioners work closely with their patients to achieve goals in a therapeutic partnership. 

Functional medicine emphasizes the importance of preventive medicine and aims to optimize health rather than defining health by the absence of disease.

What is functional nutrition?

Functional nutrition is a component of functional medicine that views food as a fundamental part of health. It emphasizes the importance of nutrient-density and diversity to address imbalances in the body. 

I am a health detective guided by functional nutrition principles to identify the root causes of symptoms. 

I believe that a healthy, balanced microbiome is essential to whole-body wellness, and I prioritize identifying any imbalances in the GI tract, parasites/bacteria, inflammation, food allergies, and intolerances. 

Optimizing gut health and tending to the microbiome is often the first step to healing. The core of my mission is to restore balance to your body and teach you how to continue supporting and nourishing your body with high-quality food.

Why is Functional Nutrition important?

Now more than ever, we are seeing an increase in people who suffer from internal imbalances. If the imbalances exist for a long time, they can have serious health effects that may result in chronic diseases. 

A functional approach focuses on prevention by considering your diet, lifestyle, environment, stress level, and mindset. 

Functional nutrition principles urge us to identify the root cause of discomfort, rather than masking symptoms with medication, to naturally restore balance to the body’s complex internal systems.

Are you a doctor?

No, I am not a doctor, and it is not under my scope to diagnose and treat. As a holistic health practitioner, I can only guide, recommend, and empower my clients.  

Are you a pharmacist?

Not anymore. I am not licensed to practice in the U.S. However, my formal training helps me understand certain aspects of health, like how to choose and recommend the best dietary supplements. 

Can you be my Personal Trainer?

No, even though I got certified as a personal trainer, I do not work as one. My focus is on functional movement, helping clients incorporate the best physical activity that suits their needs.

What is a Fermentationist?

As a fermentationist, I can explain the importance of fermented foods, probiotics, and prebiotics. I can teach you how to make fermented foods and how to incorporate fermented foods in your diet. I can also explain the health benefits of probiotics and prebiotics for gut health and how everything works together.

Are you a dietitian?

No, I am a Holistic Health Practitioner and a Functional Nutrition Consultant.

What is Environmental Health?

Environmental health is the branch of public health concerned with all aspects of the natural and built environment affecting human health. Environmental toxins (naturally occurring) and toxicants (human made) are disease-causing chemicals and endocrine disruptors that can harm our health by disrupting sensitive biological systems.

The World Health Organization determined in 2006 that as much as 24 percent of global disease is caused by environmental exposures that can be averted and that 33 percent of disease in children under age of five is caused by environmental exposures.

How Do I choose supplements?

Dietary supplements are manufactured products intended to supplement the diet when ingested orally as a pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid. It’s important to buy supplements from a company you trust; choosing the right supplements for you can be tricky and sometimes even dangerous.

Because supplements are not regulated by the FDA, many companies that produce and sell supplements ignore best practices and opt for shortcuts. Some companies don’t include ingredients on their labels, misrepresent the quantity or quality of their ingredients, or disregard storing requirements that keep supplements effective. If you are buying supplements from a company that doesn’t guarantee supplement quality through third-party testing, you may be wasting your money on low-quality products.

I can help you choose the best supplements and products suited for your personal needs.

What can I expect to invest?

Please check our "services" page for more info. Also, please know that the consultations do not include the price of supplements, tests, or food.

Supplements are necessary as support during the healing process. Unfortunately, this can add up to $100-$300 per month. It is your choice how you decide to move forward.

Do you take insurance?

Ioana Fields Holistic Health Inc does not accept or bill insurance. Clients pay us directly for our services.