Let’s Work Together!

The path to healing starts with telling your story…

I provide online consults.

Complimentary Consult

I offer a free, no-obligation 20-minute discovery call and strategy session for new clients wanting to meet me and ask questions. This phone call is a low-risk, high-reward phone call that will be the first step you will take on your path to health. I encourage you to come with questions, and I will also have my own! I am ready to help you heal. Contact me to schedule.

1:1 Services*

I offer both one-time consults and follow-up sessions. The ART of practice stands for Assess, Recommend, and Track. This approach allows me to discover your root problems, develop a personalized plan, and monitor your progress over time. After our initial consultation, clients are encouraged to come back for follow-up consultations to discuss challenges and improvements and revisit our plan of action based on their needs.

  • Initial consultations: 199$/2h

  • Follow-up consultation: 149$/1h at client’s request

Who can benefit?

  • People interested yet unsure if this approach is the right one for them.

  • People that want to dab their feet into the functional nutrition approach.

  • People that are good at following protocols.

What comes with the initial consultation?

  • 199$/2 hours initial consultation

  • A health timeline to determine when your symptoms began, a review of previous supplement or medication history

  • Personalized protocol with diet, lifestyle, and supplements recommendations after the initial consultation

  • Access to the online dispensary with discounted supplements

  • Interpretation of functional tests or other test recommendations

  • NO e-mail support in between consultations.

  • You can book a follow-up consultation at your convenience (149$/1h)

*The cost of the consultations does not include any blood work, specialty testing, supplements, or foods!

Monthly subscriptions*

After your initial consultation, we will decide the next best step for you:

GUT TERRAPIA 3 Month Package: 599$ (RECOMMENDED)

Who can benefit?

  • People who want to commit to seeing results!

  • People who need an accountability buddy.

What comes with this plan?

  • 3 months focused on gut health, diet changes, and adding healing supplements

  • 3*1 hour monthly online/video consultations

  • Personalized protocol with diet, lifestyle, and supplements recommendations after each consultation

  • Interpretation of functional tests or other test recommendations

  • Access to the online dispensary with discounted supplements

  • 7 days a week e-mail support between consultations (replying in 1-2 business days) – ASK AWAY!

  • Recipes or meal plans from my e-store, as needed for every case.

*The cost of the consultations does not include any blood work, specialty testing, supplements, or foods!

NUTRI HEALING 6 months package: 999$ (OPTIMAL)

Who is it for?

  • People with serious health problems who want to get to the bottom of it!

  • People who need an accountability buddy because they can't do it on their own.

What comes with this plan?

  • 6*1 hour monthly online/video consultations

  • Personalized protocol with diet, lifestyle, and supplements recommendations after each consultation

  • Interpretation of functional tests or other test recommendations

  • Access to the online dispensary with discounted supplements

  • 7 days a week e-mail support between consultations (replying in 1-2 business days) – ASK AWAY!

  • Recipes or meal plans from my e-store, as needed for every case.

*The cost of the consultations does not include any blood work, specialty testing, supplements, or foods!

LIVE WELL 12 months package: 1999$ (COMPLETE)

Who is it for?

  • Perfect for people with autoimmune diseases who need constant support!

  • For people who need more health coaching, accountability, and education.

  • For people that are determined to create new habits and change their life.

What comes with this plan?

  • 12*1 hour monthly online/video consultations

  • Personalized protocol with diet, lifestyle, and supplements recommendations after each consultation

  • Interpretation of functional tests or other test recommendations

  • Access to an online dispensary with discounted supplements

  • 7 days a week e-mail support between consultations (replying in 1-2 business days) – ASK AWAY!

  • Recipes or meal plans from my e-store, as needed for every case.

*The cost of the consultations does not include any blood work, specialty testing, supplements, or foods!


  • The functional approach is not a quick fix, a magic pill, or a one-size-fits-all solution. If you are reaching out, I am guessing your health needs some support, so you need to show commitment and consistency in order to see results.

  • If you are not ready to change your diet and lifestyle and take supplements, this functional approach might be the right fit for you.

  • I do not accept insurance.

  • It’s important to note that I am not a doctor. I do not diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. I only make recommendations.