Vegan almond cheese

Nine years ago, when I decided to become a vegan and embrace a plant-based diet and lifestyle, giving up cheese was the hardest thing I had to do. I was never a meat lover; eggs were never my friends since I never liked eating breakfast much, but the cheese was always my addiction. So I do understand how hard it is for some of my clients to give up cheese, and I know that food addiction is real, but I also understand how detrimental dairy can be to health. So as with everything else, it's about choices and priorities.

If you are at a crossroads and you have to give up cheese for different reasons, here is a great recipe to use as a substitute for cheese. This recipe is easy to make; it is delicious, can be used for many different recipes, and will satisfy your cravings.



  • 1 3/4 cups almond flour

  • 40ml lemon juice

  • 45ml extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 small clove of garlic or 1/4 tsp of garlic powder

  • 1 tsp pink Himalayan salt

  • 2 Tbsp nutritional yeast

  • 1 Tbsp miso

  • 160 ml water


  • Mix all the ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth;

  • At this point, you can add different herbs and spices like dill, green onions, paprika, dried fruits, seeds, nuts, etc.;

  • Transfer the mixture into baking molds of your desired shape, and decorate as needed;

  • Bake at 325°F (165°C) for 25-30 minutes for a just set, more spreadable cheese; OR

  • Bake it at 350°F (180°C) for 30-40 minutes for more crumbly yet still creamy cheese.

  • I recommend cooling the cheese before eating.


As you can see in the picture above, you can flavor this cheese in different ways. I chose green onions and dill for two of my cheeses and a sweeter version with baked beets served with jam, all eaten with gluten-free crackers.

If you want to make a dessert using this cheese, like a cheesecake or a tart, omit all the savory ingredients like garlic, nutritional yeast, and herbs, add some sweetener like date syrup, bake it for less time to create a creamy texture, and use in your dessert.

As usual, these are my thoughts and ideas, not medical advice. You are encouraged to create your own recipes or search for some suited to your needs. I am just sharing my recipes, hoping that I can inspire some of you to make healthier food choices.

Please remember that we all have different nutritional needs and that food affects us differently. If you are not sure which foods are best for you, reach out for a free phone consultation. 

In good health,



Purple cured salmon


Broccoli and spinach cream soup