Herby tofu feta

By now, you all know that I am a big proponent of a dairy-free lifestyle. Not because I don't like cheese, because who doesn't???? Because dairy, in general, can trigger systemic inflammation and can be the root cause of many chronic diseases.

I fought my battle with cheese! I know how hard it is to give up, but maybe instead of giving up cold turkey, you can try adding dairy-free options like this herby tofu feta.



1 block of firm tofu

marinade: 1 Tbsp white miso, 3 Tbsp olive oil, 2 Tbsp nutritional yeast, 2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar, 2 Tbsp lemon juice, 2 Tbsp pink Himalayan salt, 1 tsp garlic powder, 1 Tbsp oregano, 1 tsp thyme, 3 Tbsp water


  • Make the marinade by combining all the ingredients;

  • Drain the tofu of extra moisture, and cut it into cubes of your desired size;

  • Place the tofu cubes into a container with a lid, and pour the marinade on top;

  • Allow the tofu to marinate in the fridge for five days;

  • Shake the container;

  • Remove the tofu feta from the container and use as desired.


As usual, these are my thoughts and ideas, not medical advice. You are encouraged to create your own recipes or search for some suited to your needs. I am just sharing my recipes, hoping that I can help some of you to make healthier food choices.

Please remember that we all have different nutritional needs and that food affects us differently. If you are not sure which foods are best for you, reach out for a free phone consultation.

In good health,



Tropical Smoothie


Smoked salmon, tomatoes, strawberries , and peach salad