Creating habits that stick

Are you having a hard time making behavior changes that stick? The first step is connecting to your big WHY.

We are navigating through difficult times, but it is still possible to be happy and healthy. It starts with being honest with yourself about how you feel and what you want. Be brave. Have compassion for everyone else and especially for yourself. Invest in yourself. Put your energy towards that idea of your perfect health.

Often we start going down the path of changing our diet, our behaviors, or lifestyle, and we get caught up in the "doing" part. New Years Resolution anybody?? When really, one of the most crucial pieces in creating lasting habits and behavior changes is understanding WHY? Why are you doing these things in the first place? And that means digging deeper into your thoughts and desires.

When you begin to investigate your motives you might be surprised that most of your WHYs are related to other people, social media, the trends, and less about your inner self. This reason makes it much more difficult to stick to healthy habits because you’re not connected to your true self.

Asking yourself some simple questions and seeing what comes up for you can help understand your unique why. Investigating is one of the biggest keys to supporting sustainable change for ourselves as we move through any healing journey.

If changes do not feel natural, we run the risk of struggling, feeling uncomfortable, or we feel like we can't succeed. We all have the power to make better choices and change our lifestyle.

I am here to help my clients, support them through their healing journeys, and empower them to make sustainable changes.

Also, I wrote a Wellness Guide. This guide gives you all the information you need so you can begin to take control of your health. I will be talking about nutrition, lifestyle, environmental health, and healthy food. I am providing you with an action plan, recipe ideas, tracking tools, and a lot of resources so you could make changes on your own. 

In good health,



The power of pomegranates

