
As a Romanian, I grew up with a very strong connection to medicinal herbs. All the women from my mom’s side of the family were pretty knowledgeable about remedies and medicinal plants.

In Pharmacy school, my favorite class was botanics. I still remember our class trips to the botanical gardens, where we used to study different plants, and we had to remember all their latin names…fun times!!

Today we will be talking a little bit about adaptogens. Adaptogens are super herbs and super mushrooms that have been used for thousands of years in folk medicine to support one’s energy and better handle stress.

Adaptogenic herbs and mushrooms, also referred to as “adaptogens,” are defined as agents that support the body’s ability to accommodate varying physical, chemical, biological, and emotional stresses. 

Adaptogens are safe and have a balancing effect on something called the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. HPA axis is a system that plays a crucial role in homeostasis and the body’s response to stress. Adaptogens may be considered regulators. They support the stress response system, and they help you adapt.

To qualify as an adaptogen, a herb or mushroom must be completely safe and non-toxic. Also, it must have broad uses for health, specifically to reduce stress, both mental and physical, and work to balance your hormones. 

Let’s look at the list of adaptogens, I bet at some point in time you used one of them: 

Ginseng (all types), Shiitake mushroom, Ashwagandha, Wild yam, Reishi mushroom,  Licorice, Chaga mushroom, Cordyceps mushroom, Jiaogulan, Himematsutake mushroom, Rhaponicum, Rhodiola, Mucuna pruriens, Schisandra, Maca, Tulsi holy basil, Lion’s mane mushroom, Turkey tail mushroom, Astragalus, Aloe vera, Huang Qin, Amla (Indian gooseberry), Guduchi, He Shou Wu, and many more.

The constituents in this elite group of herbs have the unique ability to protect, normalize, maintain the balance of the immune system, and all functions of the body’s organs and systems

Adaptogenic herbs improve your endurance and capacity for mental and physical work by regulating the mechanisms that produce and use energy, regenerate brain cells, and protect against radiation.

Adaptogens strengthen the immune system and support the HPA axis, including the adrenal glands, both of which are overused during prolonged periods of stress. By supporting adrenal function, they can help counteract the adverse effects of stress and help maintain balance in the body, also lowering cortisol levels.

Adaptogens help you manage stress and enhance your energy at the same time without overstimulating. They support cells to eliminate toxic byproducts of the metabolic process, produce more energy, and utilize oxygen more efficiently.

Even though adaptogens are super herbs, they alone cannot fight all the problems we face today. You will still have to have a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. I am here to help!

In good health, 



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