Un-strain your eyes

There are a lot of studies that show that people who move consistently have more energy and less fatigue. Movement protects us from disease by reducing chronic inflammation and stress, lowering oxidative damage, moving our blood and lymph, keeping our muscles and connective tissue healthy, helping us detox, and more.

Movement is different than exercise. While we all have to move, we can’t be all athletes, so do your best to be as active as possible.

There is one benefit of walking outside that not many people are familiar with, and that is keeping your eyes healthy.

Let’s explore this today and see if I can motivate you to go for walks more often.

One of the most under-appreciated aspects of walking outdoors is that it gives your eyes a break from constantly looking straight at a computer screen or tv.

We can compare long periods of staring at a computer screen to sitting too long. When we sit, our hip flexors get tight from constant constriction. Eye muscles are similar. Plus, your posture is affected, neck, back, lower back, and shoulders.

When you’re walking outside, unconsciously, you are looking up toward the sky, looking at distances far away, and looking right/left/down. You’re exercising your eye by doing the opposite of looking straight and close up, as you would do at your computer screen.

Stepping away from the computer for short walking breaks throughout the day is an excellent strategy to combat eye fatigue. Disconnecting is more crucial now than ever when working from home has become the new normal.

Please consider taking a morning walk to wake up your senses and your body. Also, take an evening walk to disconnect from the busy, stressful day that is now behind you. During the day, take a break as often as possible from your computer to stretch your body and your eyes. Encourage your kids to do the same.

If you need diet and lifestyle coaching, reach out and see how I can help you.

In good health,



Be a rebel. Eat your veggies!


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