The right diet
I am not a big fan of the word diet, just because I think it's associated with restrictions. Please think of diet as a nutritional lifestyle, daily healthy foods, and nourishing meals.
“Nutrition is not a “yes or no” answer to a food or a beverage. It’s a spectrum of possibilities based on personalization, quality, accessibility, and context.”
Have you ever bought a book or magazine because it claims to have the secrets for the "perfect" diet? I sure did. Are you constantly changing your diet based on what science or the media is telling you is healthy?
What is a "perfect diet" anyway?
Have you noticed that the trends are always coming up with the right way to eat or live? And we are rediscovering it all the time? We sure are resourceful! But what if that scientifically proven healthy diet or way of life is not the right one for you, your unique self?
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), everyone has a unique combination of imbalances that manifest when we are exposed to different stressors. Some of us get headaches or other pains, while others have trouble sleeping, problems with digestion, mood, or hormones.
Ayurvedic Medicine believes that each person has an individual balance of the three doshas. Those doshas are constantly changing, and are influenced by our diet, stress levels, emotional state, movement, and other factors.
So, with all these unique people around, how is it we think there is one diet that is appropriate for everyone? Essentially, we all need a diet that is supportive of our unique bodies, and it may change as we age and evolve. Start paying attention to how you feel on your current diet. If you've tried several diets, you probably know a thing or two about what works and what doesn't for your body.
Let's stop relying so much on what we are told our bodies need and start listening to what our bodies are telling us. With your unique perfect diet, you should feel energized all day. Your sleep should be great, you should have at least one bowel movement a day, and never have digestive discomfort after meals.
There are some simple general rules for eating healthy. Eat REAL foods that you can pronounce. Eat CLEAN foods that have grown and been raised without pesticides, hormones, or antibiotics. Eat BALANCED meals containing lots of fruits and vegetables, some meat or vegetable protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.
If you are having symptoms like digestive discomfort, excess weight, skin problems, headaches, fatigue, poor immunity, foggy mind, anxiety, or depression, you are not eating the right foods.
I am here to help you figure out the perfect meal plan for your unique needs. And I promise, once you discover this piece of the puzzle, your life will change!
In good health,