Optimal health and common sense


Talking with a friend on the phone one day, I said: You'll see, in 10 years, they will figure out that being healthy is all about common sense. She found it funny, and so did I, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense.

Just think about it, we are always pursuing the next best thing, best supplement, best practitioner, best technique, or whatever health-related gimmicks, yet we are ignoring the fundamentals.

A few things are crucial for our survival: air, water, food, sun, and movement. If we look at the health state of humans now correlated to those basic things, we see the root causes of chronic disease.

Get some fresh air!

How do you want to reach optimal health if you are breathing recycled air all day long? We live 80% of our life inside, where the air doesn't have the best quality. Indoor air can be (and often is) more contaminated than outdoor air. Get outside and walk, go for hikes, do some yard work, and make sure to breathe fresh air every day.

Drink your water!

How do you want to reach optimal health if you are dehydrated? I can't believe I need to keep reminding people to drink water. And on top of that, sodas are not water. Make sure you drink enough water daily, good quality water, and add some trace minerals to it.

Eat real food!

How do you want to reach optimal health if you are not eating real food? Our genes haven't changed much over the last ten thousand years, but our lifestyle did. Eating chemical-ridden foods confuse our genes and immune system, resulting in chronic disease. Make sure you eat plenty of organic fruits and veggies daily; lower your intake of processed foods; make an effort to cook from scratch as much as possible.


Get some sun!

How do you want to reach optimal health if you are not getting enough sun? It baffles me how people understand that plants die without the sun, but somehow they forget that we function the same way. Statistics show that more than 50% of people are Vitamin D deficient. Studies also show that no amount of Vitamin D supplementation can replace the lack of sun. Medical literature correlates low Vitamin D levels with most chronic diseases, including impaired gut health and autoimmunity.

Get moving!

How do you want to reach optimal health without exercising? I am not talking about heavy training, just regular walking, stretching, playing, and other types of natural movement. A sedentary body can't efficiently detox, and it can't maintain healthy muscles and joints.

Now you understand what I mean by common sense? Before you run out into the world looking for the newest health therapy, best practitioner, or magic pill, ask yourself if you are doing the basics.

If you need guidance with diet and lifestyle changes, please reach out and see how I can help you. I offer a 20-min free consultation.

In good health,



Sweet Valentine soup


Tempeh quinoa Buddha bowl