Gut health equals immune health

Have you ever heard that 70-80% of your immune system is in your gut? Do you know why?

At least 70% of our immune system is located right in the gut lining itself. In the gut lining, you will find something called Peyer’s Patches, which are lymphoid tissue (part of the lymphatic system). These are embedded in the intestinal lining and are called (GALT) gut-associated lymphoid tissue.

The Peyer’s Patches contain many immune cells that monitor incoming dangers. What that means is that they are like the surveillance system for the immune system. This lymphoid tissue communicates with other cells throughout the immune system. But if our gut lining is destroyed~ leaky gut, then our immune system is also compromised.

Professor Lloyd Meir said:

“In a single day, the gastrointestinal tract has to make more decisions than the rest of the body’s immune system makes in its lifetime.”

This is just one reason why gut health is crucial and why you will always hear me say HEAL YOUR GUT! Without addressing gut health, we will not be able to balance our health and increase our resilience.

Our bodies communicate to us through discomfort so learning to make the connections is key to addressing the problem. If ignored, persistent gut issues leave us vulnerable to more serious health conditions.

Constant digestive discomfort is not normal and should not be tolerated or ignored. Instead, start listening to your body and understand the signs that something needs to change.

If you have symptoms like excessive gas, bloating, IBS, constipation, it is time to HEAL YOUR GUT!

I can help you regain your vitality, and thrive!

In good health,



Tempeh quinoa Buddha bowl


Vegan colcannon with seared mushrooms and kale chips